Appendix 7: Asset Processors

Here’s a list of the PieCrust pipeline’s asset processors that ship with PieCrust by default.

Configuration settings for asset processors must be defined in the website configuration, unless noted otherwise.


Compiles Javascript files using Browserify.

Name: browserify

This processor isn’t used unless the browserify configuration exists. It can simply be set to true.

Configuration settings (under browserify/):

  • bin: the path to the Browserify executable. Defaults to browserify.


Compresses CSS files using the cleancss utility.

Name: cleancss

Configuration settings (under cleancss/):

  • bin: The name or path of the cleancss executable. Defaults to cleancss, which means it’s expected you have it in your PATH.

  • options: A list of miscellaneous options to pass to cleancss. Defaults to --skip-rebase.


A processor that runs compass as part of the bake.

Name: compass

Configuration settings (under compass/):

  • enable: This processor is disabled by default. You need to set this setting to true.

  • bin: The name or path of the compass executable. Defaults to compass, which means it’s expected you have it in your PATH.

  • frameworks: The list of frameworks to enable.

  • options: A list of miscellaneous options to pass to compass. You can use the placeholders %out_dir% and %tmp_dir% to refer to the temporary and output directories of the current bake.


  • It’s expected that the Compass configuration file is called config.rb and is located in your website’s root directory.

  • To troubleshoot any problems, run chef with the --debug option to see the full command-line invocation of compass.


A simple processor that concatenates multiple other files.

The input for this processor must be a .concat file whose file name without the .concat extension will be the output file name. The contents must be a YAML configuration that lists the files to concatenate.

So for instance, a foo.js.concat file will generate an output file named foo.js. If the concents of the .concat file are the same as below, it will end up being the concatenation of files something.js and lib/vendor/blah.js:

    - foo.js
    - lib/vendor/blah.js

Other settings are possible in the YAML file:

  • path_mode: Either relative or absolute. If relative, the files list specifies files relative to the .concat file. Otherwise, they’re relative to the asset root directory.

  • delim: The delimiter string to use between each concatenated file. Defaults to a line feed (\n).


A simple processor that copies the input file to the same place (relative to the asset directory, and to the output directory).

Name: copy


Converts LESS CSS files into normal CSS.

Name: less

Configuration settings (under less/):

  • bin: The name or path of the lessc executable. Defaults to lessc, which means it’s expected you have it in your PATH.

  • options: A list of miscellaneous options to pass to lessc. Defaults to --compress.


Converts Sass files (.scss, .sass) into normal CSS.

Name: sass

Configuration settings (under sass/):

  • bin: The name or path of the scss executable. Defaults to scss, which means it’s expected you have it in your PATH.

  • style: The output CSS style. Defaults to nested.

  • load_paths: A list of additional include paths. Defaults to an empty list.

  • options: A list of miscellaneous options to pass to lessc. Defaults to an empty list.


Creates a Sitemap file by transforming a .sitemap file into a .xml file of the same name with contents that match the Sitemap specification.

The .sitemap must be a YAML file (i.e. something a bit like the website configuration file) that can contain either:

  • locations: A list of locations to include in the Sitemap file. Each location must have a url setting. Optionally, they can have a lastmod, changefreq, and/or priority setting. This is basically boiling down to writing the Sitemap in YAML instead of XML.

  • autogen: This should be a list of page source names for which to auto-generate the Sitemap. Each source listed here will have all its pages included in the Sitemap. The url and lastmod of each entry will be set accordingly to their corresponding page. Each page can define a sitemap configuration setting to override or add to the corresponding entry.


Compresses Javascript files using the uglifyjs utility.

Name: uglifyjs

Configuration settings (under uglifyjs/):

  • bin: The name or path of the uglifyjs executable. Defaults to uglifyjs, which means it’s expected you have it in your PATH.

  • options: A list of miscellaneous options to pass to uglifyjs. Defaults to --compress.